Friday, June 17, 2011

Boilermate problems

Hydraulic Externally very similar to the expansion tank flange heating systems. However, the appointment and service conditions have other, hence there are structural differences.
First, the mode of operation over the accumulator loaded. In normal operation, its frequency response ranging from 5 to 15 times per hour in a properly-chosen volume of the accumulator. If the volume is chosen correctly, this quantity can increase up to 20-30 times per hour. Of course such an operation requires a robust, resilient membrane that can withstand a large number of loads. Amtrol WH-41Z Boilermate, Amtrol WH-41L, Amtrol CH-41Z Boilermate Champion Indirect-Fired Water Heater, Amtrol CH-41BZ, Amtrol CH-80Z Boilermate Champion.

Secondly, hydraulic accumulators are used in household plumbing, so the material must be non-toxic and approved for use with clean drinking water.
Third, the water supply system in most cases comes from a well or wells. It is saturated with oxygen, which is released and accumulates in the membrane. Therefore, the large accumulator at the top of the diaphragm and the valve sleeve is to vent the air. The appearance of the accumulator presented earlier in Figure 5.

Fourth, the accumulators are usually placed on cold water line in the water system, so in terms of the temperature at which they are being more benign regime. Typically, the water temperature in the system can not exceed 30 ° C.

As Boilermate and indirect water heater systems, hydraulic accumulators are filled with water is not full. The volume of "issued" when using water accumulator is less than the useful volume of the expansion tank heating system.

Other features of the expansion tanks

Expansion tanks may be used to prevent damage to the system from water hammer. This phenomenon occurs in the pipeline at the sudden turn off or turn on the pump, quick opening or closing the valve. Loads can be many times greater than static and it can lead to the destruction of pipelines, threaded connections or plumbing devices. To avoid this, and given that the volumetric changes in the pressure variations are small, are encouraged to use expansion tanks of small capacity 0.2 liter

Amtrol WELL-X-TROL Tanks - WELL-X-TROL Tanks - WELL-X-TROL Well

Also, tanks can be used as a tank with a fire liquid fire suppression systems, and as back-up tanks in those cases where the electricity is turned off. Hydraulic tanks are used not only in domestic but also in industrial and agricultural water supplies. At the same household series is designed for working pressures up to 6 bar and the Professional Series - up to 16 bar.

The design of the expansion tank is shown in Well-X-Trol Well Tank

Before proceeding further to the detailed description and principles of selection of tanks, you need to say a few words about the main elements of these devices the membrane.

Amtrol WX-202 Well-X-Trol